Gaeltacht School Recognition Scheme

There is a language-based criteria for Coláiste Muire’s recognition as a Gaeltacht post-primary school. The Department of Education’s Policy on Gaeltacht Education draws on the Government’s 20-year Strategy for the Irish Language 2010-2030. The main objective of the Policy is to provide a high quality and relevant Irish-medium education for young people in Gaeltacht schools and, in this way, to support and encourage the use of Irish.

Why choose Irish-medium education?

Choosing Irish-medium education will have many long-term benefits for your child. Parents need not worry that their children will not understand their teacher as all students are supported on their learning journey. Having two languages helps to develop interests in Irish culture, music and sports. It also encourages students to try speaking other languages and it is wonderful to hear our international students using the cúpla focla around the school.

Students with two languages have more employment opportunities, find it easier to learn other languages and see lots of other social benefits too. Whether you have Irish or not, there are lots of practical things you can do to help your child to prepare for the move to post-primary school and the school will help you to do this.

Students’ ability in other languages (including English) increases rather than decreases with immersion education. Languages share the same cognitive process; concepts and skills acquired in one are transferred to the other and are processed in either language since both are interactive.

Contact us
Tuar Mhic Éadaigh, Co. Mhaigh Eo, F12 H766
094 954 4107
© 2025 Coláiste Muire Tuar Mhic Éadaigh