The guidance process aims to help students to develop an awareness and acceptance of their talents and abilities, to explore possibilities and opportunities, to make informed choices in relation to their career path. It begins in Junior Cycle through Wellbeing and continues into Senior Cycle with dedicated careers classes from Transition Year onwards.
Some guidance activities include:
- Supporting students in making choices and dealing with change e.g. subject choice and career decisions
- Interest Questionnaires
- Organising in-school talks from Higher Educational Institutions, apprenticeship providers, Post Leaving Cert Colleges
- Talks by Career Ambassadors, many of whom are past pupils of the Coláiste
- Organised visits to Higher Educational Institutions and career events
- Assistance with CAO, PLC, Apprenticeships, HEAR/DAREapplications
- Careers classes involving online career investi gation and becoming familiar with online websites for career and college investigation
- Any medical conditions that may need to be considered in the classroom environment
- Any sight or hearing impairment
- Any social or behavioural factors that could hinder your child’s progress.
*Any information received will be used in confidence, strictly to facilitate the student’s transition from Primary to Secondary School.