Core Subjects
- Gaeilge
- English
- Maths
- French
Optional Subjects
- Geography
- History
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Business
- Agricultural Science
- Construction Studies
- Home Economics
- Design and Communications Graphics
The Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP) is an intervention designed to enhance the vocational dimension of the Leaving Certificate. Students study two link modules, Preparation for the World of Work and Enterprise Education.
Students will benefit by: Taking responsibility for their own learning; working as a member of a team; gaining knowledge of the world of work; learning about setting up and running enterprise activities and gaining skills such as analysis, research and ICT skills that will benefit them at third level.
- The provision of subjects in any given year depends on student demand and timetabling logistics.
- 10% is given to all students who answer their state exams through Irish.
- Coláiste Muire has a long history of academic excellence. Subject results continually beat the national average.
- Our students go on to further education, third level courses or apprenticeships on receipt of their final results.
Non-Exam Subjects
- Career Guidance
- P.E.
- Religion
- Relationship & Sexual Health (RSE)
Relationships and Sexuality Education
Relationships and Sexuality education is a compulsory part of the educational curriculum here in Ireland. The school adheres to best practices as outlined in national policy. The programme is delivered in an age-appropriate, non-judgemental and developmentally conscious manner. All staff and programme presenters are Garda vetted and have undertaken Children First training.