After the Junior Cycle programme is completed, students take part in a tailor-made Transition Year (Idirbhliain) programme. Transition Year at Coláiste Muire is compulsory for all students. It gives students an opportunity to grow, develop and learn, free from the pressures of State Examinations. This year is carefully planned by the Transition Year Co-ordinator, Iníon Uí Mhaoileoin, in consultation with staff and the students in the year. Modules are organised with the student interests in mind and are undertaken on set days of the week
Work Experience
Mondays are dedicated to the student exploring the working world and episodes of work experience are self-selected and arranged.
- TY prepares young people for their role as independent citizens in society through their experience of adult and working life.
- Encourages students to take more responsibility for their learning and decision making
- Provides experiential learning and allows for subject sampling before the Leaving Certificate
- Develops the students’ talents, skills and abilities
- Progresses the development of the imagination and the emotions, communication skills, co-operation and teamwork
- Encourages the deepening of intrapersonal understanding and resilience
- Develops life-long bonds through shared experiences.
Sample Activities
- Cultural Trip Abroad
- Outdoor Activities
- Creating a Mini Company in an Enterprise Module
- Film and Video Production Workshops
- GAA Coaching Award
- Jiving
- Gardening
- Arts & Crafts
- First Aid Training
- Workshop on Law
- Yoga
- Zumba
- Boxercise and an eclectic mix of other activities