Year Heads

The Year Head is part of the management team of the school and is a member of the pastoral care team in conjunction with the class tutor. The Year Head meets with pupils when necessary, in order to help the student navigate through the issues that have been raised. They deal with disciplinary matters (in conjunction with principal and vice principal, depending on severity) and strive to promote positive relationships within the school.

Each class has a Tutor who encourages, supports and advocates for pupils in a particular class. A Class Tutor can assist in dealing with difficulties at an early stage, can build a positive morale in the class and contribute to a good year group spirit. He/she will also liaise regularly with the Year Head (Ceannaire Bliana). In Coláiste Muire the role of class teacher is voluntary.

Contact us
Tuar Mhic Éadaigh, Co. Mhaigh Eo, F12 H766
094 954 4107
© 2025 Coláiste Muire Tuar Mhic Éadaigh